Sunday, March 9, 2008

Crazy About Felted Purses, Again!

I'm sure you have been wondering....'is she now a reader and not a knitter?'. Never fear, I have been doing both just not posting pictures of the knitting things I'm working on. They are kind of a work in process and most are not done yet. But I do have a new purse I finally finished to post.

I think it's a really cute summer bag!!!

I had knitted the black body of the bag a while ago and never felted it. I was so happy with the size and boxyness that it inspired me to complete it. I cut the flowers out of felt and embroidered, made orange and yellow stripe felted handles and lined it. You can see on my 'Ode to the Starlet' post where I was working on the lining. After a lot of work on trying to figure out how to make a lining that would be stiff enough to hold the shape I finally got it done, but it just wasn't fitting right inside the purse so yesterday I ripped all the seams out and tried again. SUCCESS!! It turned out GREAT! I used plastic mesh canvas which keeps the shape perfectly!

I currently have a baby pink bag (different shape) and a brown bag and a fuschia bag (different shape still) that I have to finish. I have ordered supplies to try needle felting on the front of these. The felt sheets look okay but I think the needle felted images will give it a complete felted look. I should be receiving those supplies just in time for 2 days off in a row and can't wait to get started! I will post as soon as I have something to show. I'm hoping I won't be crying that it looks terrible, but it's worth a try!

Happy Day!

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