What can I say, I'm a girl that needs a deadline to finish a knitting project. I do fine in the work world, being the person that has my stuff done early, but when it comes to crafting, I need a reason to finish it! Since my last knitting challenge went so well (remember the one sock challenge?) I have set myself a new goal! When I first started knitting again about a year ago, I started knitting these blocks for a baby blanket. My intention was to knit it for the Linus Project. It was super soft and fun, stimulating colors. In true ADD knitting form, I lost interest when it came time for the finishing. It will be sewn together and maybe even a crocheted border by Sunday evening!!!! There, I have done it........I have thrown down the gauntlet! We have ourselves a full blown challenge! So now in order not to look like a fool to my millions of readers (right...said with much sarcasm!) I have no choice but to complete this project!

Talk to you Sunday night! I have to get busy!
Knit Away!
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