Check this out!!
I got this really cool sock yarn at my
LYS and I just love it! This is a perfect example of what a sample will do because that's what sold me on the yarn! One was knitted up and on display and I fell in love with the colors and striping and I just had to get it.

Now you know how I am about socks.....I haven't finished a pair yet. I did the glorious
'Monkey' sock which was beautiful but a lot of work so I just couldn't make myself do another one! And then there is the first sock I ever tried.......never even finished it!!!! BUT I am determined to finish this one because it is just too cool! I found this pattern off the
internet. I was looking for something easy and was wanting some ribbing and low and behold, this has been a great one!!! I am heading on a short vacation to the lake house so I am planning on finishing the other one there. The only down side is I knit them on 1.5 double points and they really start to bug my hands after too many hours. I have decided I prefer DPs over 2 circulars because I was getting a 'line' where it wasn't joining so good.

I know you want to know what's up with the purses. I'm stalled on the sunflower purse (those darn socks! and knitters ADD) but am determined to find just the right fabric to line the purse with. I also have another baby gift I need to start working on. I'm thinking Baby Surprise Jacket. That's part of the plan for my short vacation too................as well as a stack of books to read. When will I find the time to do all the things I want???
Well, that's it for now.....my next post will be 2, count it, TWO socks that MATCH!!!!
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