Yes, I know you thought I had fallen into the endless depths of my yarn stash but no, I have just been LAZY! Yes, I said it!
I have taken a couple of side journeys (see below) in the last couple weeks and have not gotten much knitting done. are some new things. I have completed the back of the baby dress (except for the finishing which has to be done at the very end). I think the skirt is going to be a little long but it's turned out okay. are some new things. I have completed the back of the baby dress (except for the finishing which has to be done at the very end). I think the skirt is going to be a little long but it's turned out okay.

So here is one of my side journeys........don't laugh, it's not very good but I have been trying to give myself 'permission' to try and not be so judgmental about how it looks. I'm not done with it yet but am working on it slowly so I don't get too overwhelmed. If you remember (yes, I know you do!) I talked about my Grandmother and how she was an artist and how I wish that I could draw and paint. I keep going back to trying to make it happen.

Happy Day!